Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Candlelight Makes It Special

My husband has been out of town for several days, and it always surprises me how quickly the kids and I descend into "Lord of the Flies" territory unless we are vigilant in keeping up appearances. It's hard to get motivated to cook a decent meal for one full appetite (mine) and two very small and occasionally nonexistent ones (the boys). Yet we are told that sitting down for a family dinner together is the cornerstone of functional nuclear blah blah blah, so I've been trying to maintain some semblance of an evening meal even though the food itself is uninspiring. Hot dogs, mac and cheese from a box, etc. Since I'm somewhat deficient in the strong-armed discipline department (that's dad's bailiwick) I've had to be creative in getting them all to assume their dinnertime positions. That's where the candles enter the picture. The kids are willing to sit, eat and chat about the day much more willingly when the lighting is moody and romantic. Messed up, no? There is an inverse relationship between the formality of the setting and the hauteur of the meal. This evening's repast will most likely be Taco Bell by candlelight. Ole!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are on to something hot here! I am excited about this simple tip that I haven't tried. Candles on the table are just a restaurant experience for my family -- involving little son repeatedly blowing it out while his mortified big sister swats and hisses at him.

Oh boy, adding fire to the dining table does capture the kiddos attention, doesn't it? I am going to try this at home. I have lots of matches and can re-light as needed and maybe sister won't be so mortified if we aren't out in public...

Plus, candle light does dim the view of the mom-guilt inducing view of their plates...

Thanks for this simple-yet-awesome suggestion!
